Beginning here, east of Rogue River, Or. where we are house sitting for seven weeks for a couple who vacation in Thailand every year. We found this house sit through an online website that we joined before we were due to leave our last three month housesit in Suquamish, WA. We found the one in WA because we had met our friend, Karen, a bonafide sea captain back in 2007 who asked us to pet sit her two cats, Greta and Max. She's now teaching at a maritime academy on the east coast and wanted us to look after her house on the Puget Sound once again. Starting in 1996, we started our house/ranch sitting gig by word of mouth until we joined "house". That led us all over the US, as far east as Atlanta, GA and as far south as Texas and Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California. Still pondering the paths we took... the choices we made at different junctures. To Be Continued....
The Hero's Journey
The Call ~ Many refuse the call to adventure... they flounder and begin to die inside. But the call will keep coming, until at last, they awaken and answer. Events sweep us into motion. We drift along the river of life with no real direction until we find ourselves headed into the rapids and we finally realize it's time to start paddling or die. At last we are forced to undertake The Hero's Journey.
The Call
In the words of Marianne Williamson: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sunday, February 23, 2020
How Did I Get Here?
Larry - Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, "How did I get here?" I did so yesterday and I'm still pondering the answers. On a macro scale, of course I'm here because my parents conceived me and named me Larry. But I wanted to "back engineer" my life, to follow the thread backwards from today and see what I could learn. I'm going to post just a few of the thousands, if not millions of small and large crossroads in which my life changed directions, most in small incremental steps but some in large, life altering shakeups.
Beginning here, east of Rogue River, Or. where we are house sitting for seven weeks for a couple who vacation in Thailand every year. We found this house sit through an online website that we joined before we were due to leave our last three month housesit in Suquamish, WA. We found the one in WA because we had met our friend, Karen, a bonafide sea captain back in 2007 who asked us to pet sit her two cats, Greta and Max. She's now teaching at a maritime academy on the east coast and wanted us to look after her house on the Puget Sound once again. Starting in 1996, we started our house/ranch sitting gig by word of mouth until we joined "house". That led us all over the US, as far east as Atlanta, GA and as far south as Texas and Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California. Still pondering the paths we took... the choices we made at different junctures. To Be Continued....
Beginning here, east of Rogue River, Or. where we are house sitting for seven weeks for a couple who vacation in Thailand every year. We found this house sit through an online website that we joined before we were due to leave our last three month housesit in Suquamish, WA. We found the one in WA because we had met our friend, Karen, a bonafide sea captain back in 2007 who asked us to pet sit her two cats, Greta and Max. She's now teaching at a maritime academy on the east coast and wanted us to look after her house on the Puget Sound once again. Starting in 1996, we started our house/ranch sitting gig by word of mouth until we joined "house". That led us all over the US, as far east as Atlanta, GA and as far south as Texas and Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California. Still pondering the paths we took... the choices we made at different junctures. To Be Continued....
Monday, January 20, 2020
Back To Klamath Wildlife Area
We had a really good time at state parks but we were very happy to return to the remoteness of KWA. We returned to KWA in March of 2019 for another six months where we were able to add our own vegetable garden to the forage plant plot. We helped "round up" Canadian geese at a golf course and helped band 225 birds and other fun projects; trash patrol of the entire area, growing sunflowers for the birds, a little tractor work and eradication of "salt cedar", etc. We love the feel of wide open spaces. Never have imagined living in the high desert. Who knew?
Klamath Wildlife Area 2019
Klamath Wildlife Area 2019
Friday, January 17, 2020
Our First Gig As Camp Hosts
A few photos from our time at Harris Beach State Park
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Hello Klamath Wildlife Area
1000's of Ross's Geese |
Our little piece of paradise |
Storm clouds brewing |
Klamath Wildlife Area 2018
Friday, January 10, 2020
Catch Up
Larry - Over the past 30 some odd years we have consistently made choices that seemed to always place us on the edge so to speak - leaping with faith that the net would appear. Our next "port of call" from Valley of the Rogue state park was the Klamath Wildlife Area (KWA) just south of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Little did we know that we would fall in love with the Klamath basin and the lifestyle of volunteerism. We had no idea of what we had signed up for.

Charlotte - Seems like we haven't visited our blog in awhile so it is catch up time. After leaving the RV Park in Brookings we headed over the mountain to our first volunteer assignment in the Klamath Basin - a place we had never been before. Stopping for a few days at Valley of the Rogue State Park so we could do a few upgrades on our travel trailer and have a "camping experience". It was a little scary going to a place we had never been before to take on an assignment working for people we didn't know.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Our First RV Park
We have been parked at River Bend Terraces RV Park for 4 weeks today. Lots of traffic on the road next to the trailer, especially very early in the morning and then all day. Lots of construction going on in the homes up on top of the mountain above us. Lots of barking dogs, too - "we live in a neighborhood". We do enjoy the rooster crowing in the morning - neighbors down the way have chickens. Other than that we have full hook-ups including internet, sometimes, and just this week Larry found the coax cable hook-up on the roof so we now have cable tv for 3 more weeks. We have taken this time to move in and get organized - a process that is still going on. Larry is installing shelves for us. The first thing Larry did when we got here was to go out and buy some little plastic bins so he could plant lettuce and arugula. Will stash it away in the pass through storage for traveling. We are still moving things around and starting to realize we don't need everything we have packed away so will be returning some things to storage. We are leaving here on March 19 and want to be ship shape by then. Headed to Valley of the Rogue State Park when we leave here for our 10 days of free camping. Since Larry has disabled vet status Oregon gives us 10 free days of camping each month in a state park. I am feeling nervous about driving that long winding road up the Smith River to get out of here - poor Larry will be driving. He says he isn't nervous at all. Thank goodness.

Monday, January 29, 2018
Move In Underway
Well, we are finally doing it. The move-in is underway. Hoping to find a place for all of this and still have a nice organized little home. Have been too busy with our sale and rental clean up the last few weeks to move into the trailer so have been putting everything into bags and boxes. Now, to find a home for everything. Figured if we had toilet paper in the bathroom, coffee makings in the kitchen and the bed made we'd be good to go.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
One More Shakedown - Harris Beach State Park
Moved the trailer to Harris Beach State Park last Friday for 10 days. Wanted to spend some time here before we move into the RV park - have never stayed in an RV park LOL. One more shakedown with the Black Rock. This time we will get to dump the holding tanks for the first time. It has mostly rained since we arrived. Still having to go slowly with setting up the trailer with our "cheat sheet". There is so much to learn and remember. We had no idea! We love hearing the rain drops on top of the trailer during the night. We feel snug and warm in our little cocoon. Our dear friend Dan'l said we were just 2 old Loggerheads, which took us awhile to figure out? Finally got to have a campfire but ground is very soggy. And the last occupants did not pick up their dog poop - URRRRGGGG. Since it was somewhat melted we didn't see it and it got it all over our plastic bins. We forgot our nozzle at the farmhouse but since it is still not rented Larry was able to go back and retrieved it. Will clean the mess up first break we get in the rain. Since we have been together we have have shared 1000's of campfires. When we were gold mining in the beginning we were boondocking 6 months out of the year in the outback with a campfire almost every night.
Sunday, January 07, 2018
Counting Down The Days
A new adventure - 12 days and counting. We are drastically cutting back on our expenses with this "new life style" and for the first time in our lives will not have to be trying to figure out a way to make extra income each month to make ends meet. We are grateful!
Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous risks, embracing challenges at every step along the way.....
You are on the path exactly where you are meant to be right now..... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, beauty, wisdom, power, dignity and love....... Caroline Joy Adams
Saturday, January 06, 2018
It Is Happening
Makes you wonder how a person accumulates so much "stuff"? And compared to most folks we don't have that much stuff. Selling off most of our books - we love books, not Kindle - and dishes, pots, pans, linens, glassware, all of the items folks "need" in a household. Took all of our family photos out of their frames because it is easier to store photos out of frames. It has been a real project. Downsizing from 950 square feet to 190 square feet. Compared to many folks we already lived in a small space. Sold the VCR so no need to keep the videos LOL. A person has no idea how much stuff is in those cupboards and closets - thank God we don't have a garage. It has been a real project but will feel good when it is completed.
Tuesday, January 02, 2018
Living Estate Sale
Have been thinking about this word a lot.
SUPERFLOUS - 1. Exceeding what is sufficient or necessary: EXTRA 2. Not needed: UNNECESSARY 3. Obsolete: Marked by wastefulness: EXTRAVAGANT
This has been an emotional process since we are letting go of quite a few keepsakes. It is bittersweet. This little farmhouse has been a wonderful home but it is time to move on to the next adventure. We are excited about the prospects.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Letting Things Go
Saying "good-by" to a 1930's wardrobe that has been with us almost 30 years. Charlotte painted this when we were going through some difficult times and in transition. She sat it outside on the porch and went at it for days and even said she was painting her emotions out onto that piece of furniture. Goodby little cupboard. Hope you find a happy home where you are appreciated.
Maybe what we are feeling right now is what we are supposed to be feeling. We are sad and glad to see some things go. We feel richly blessed that we get to send our treasures off to new homes or even to the garbage with thoughtful contemplation instead of like the fire victims who had it all taken from them overnight and without warning. Our letting go is gentler. Everyone should have their own "estate sale" while there is time. It is a very enlightening experience on so many levels - gladness, sadness, regrets and good riddance.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Morning Thoughts & Ponderings
Good morning,
I do better pondering my thoughts sometimes if I share them with someone else instead of talking to myself so please bear with me this morning. As we get rid of all of our furniture, many family "heirlooms" and just about everything one needs to live in a house, we are looking for the deeper feelings of this process - something that resides below the stress and exhaustion. Up until now that is about all we have felt but we know there must be something going on at a deeper level. We have read about folks feeling freer and lighter but that has not happened for us yet. I think we are staying too busy to feel the deeper feelings - the emotions of what is going on here. We are going to miss the greater blessings of this process if we don't find a way to be present with what we are doing. This whole process is a big deal - a huge transition and we are missing it because we are focusing on getting from here to there - way down the road somewhere. What about today? What about now? But that has been a ongoing challenge - being present because as my sister, Sherry, used to say "Today is the gift" -living in the now so we don't miss it before it's gone. We only get this one shot at today.
Sometimes we have emotion around a particular item. Yesterday a bedroom wardrobe that we have owned for over 25 years left. I spent hours painting that wardrobe once when we were going through a difficult time. There was a lot of anger and emotion in that paint job LOL. It felt like there should have been a little ceremony or something, but we are too busy to take notice of things like that. I did break down when the hydrangeas left but at least I can go visit them. And I am having difficulty parting with a pair of moccasins that Larry bought for me about 30 years ago with holes starting to show on the underside and on the inside but they haven't gone totally through yet. Oh, did I mention that he just bought me a similar pair. I am more attached to those shoes than many things we are parting with LOL. I think it is because they have been part of my life for so long.
We have downsized before and are currently living in about 900 square feet, which is pretty small by comparison, but after the first of the year we will move into 190 square feet. It is difficult sorting and deciding what to keep and what not to keep. We have pretty much passed off anything that anyone else wants. Being in our 60's and 70's certainly has a bearing on this process. We are getting rid of more than we would if we were in our 50's. Sometimes it sort of feels like we have already passed away and someone else is going through our "stuff". Actually, thinking about that does help our decision making sometimes. It has been a very interesting and educational process. Since we need the money for this transition we are finding ways to sell most everything we own and we have been blessed because so many items have already left for their new homes. I have tossed out items that we have been hauling around for years and years - items that no one else wants. Now that I think about that, that feels pretty good. I have about 3 more small boxes to go through. One big project was all of the recipes and cookbooks but I am realizing that I will never live long enough to cook all of those recipes. It took two times of going through them but I finally whittled them down to just a few. I have one more pile to go through. I want the meal preparation part of our lives to be simpler and healthier, too.
Sunday, November 05, 2017
Transition - Imagining
It has been a busy few months but now that we finally think we have a storage unit, we will start our journey toward living small - as in a 24 foot travel trailer. This morning we are out in Eagleville, California, which is in the Surprise Valley. We have been ranch sitting since October 23. It has been good to be in a different environment. There hasn't been much we could do here except to make lists of what needs to be done when we get home. I must admit if feels overwhelming - daunting at time. We have to remind ourselves that we can only take this on one step at a time - one project at a time. I continually take myself to a place where I can feel the calmness and peace of living small with a shorter "to do" list and fewer expenses. We are creating a whole new routine - a new way of life with a different flow and rhythm and are still not sure what that looks like? No more working in the garden, no more 900 square feet to clean - just a 24 foot foot travel trailer. Compared to many, 900 square feet of living space would seem small. There is a lot to do to make this transition when we get back home - sorting, packing and moving what we will keep to storage and then having a big "living" estate sale. Looking forward to arriving back home and getting busy with all of our projects and the big purge.
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